Database Importer (EN)

Database Importer (EN)

Database Importer is an extension of the software Action.Net that migrates records from one database to another, being possible to migrate databases of ActionView systems and Action.NET.


Step-by-step import

In this section, several scenarios for importing databases from the Action.Net. Basically the following steps are as follows:

  • Set up a source database connection;

  • Set up a target database connection;

  • Selection of tables to import; and

  • Import range selection.


Database Importer Extension

Among the steps described, the difference between scenarios lies only in configuring the source and destination database connections. These steps will be described by the following scenario, while the others will be described more generally after the scenarios.

TatsoftDB database Action.Net options

To connect TatsoftDb bases, select type TatsoftDB.

In the source data source, configure the physical path of the required .tAlarm and .tHistorian files.

SourceConnection Settings


SQL Server Database Options

To connect SQL Server bases, select the SQL Server type.

For SQL Server, you must identify the name of the instance by using either the Machine Name\instance format or the IpDaMachine\instance. You also need to identify the SQL Server service port (typically 1433). The name of the database must be entered in the "Database name" field.

Finally, it is necessary to register valid user and password for access to the database. This user can be a SQL Server user or a Windows Authentication user who is authorized to use the database and who will use the AD credentials for the connection.


Import options

Selecting tables

After setting up the gem and target connections, you can select the types of data that will be imported: Events history and or measures history.

In the case of the measure history selection, in the "Measures" frame, located on the right side, the existing history tables will be loaded into the database.

Import range

Finally, you must select a time period for the import.

Import result

Importing event history

A combo-box is shown informing the number of missing records between the data files. Clicking on <SIM> proceeds with the import.

Importing measure history

A combo-box is shown informing the number of missing records between the data files. Clicking on <SIM> proceeds with the import.


1 - A file is created where connection string settings are saved in: "C:\Action.NET\Projects\NOMEDOPROJETO_DatabaseImporter.xml"

If there are any import problems it is recommended that the application be terminated and the file deleted.

2 - The import is based on the following queries:

The criteria for non-duplication of data are based on:

  • Alarms:Fields TagName, ActiveTime_Ticks, DateCreated_Ticks; and

  • Historian:Fields TagName, UTCTimestamp_Ticks.

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