Import and Export

Import and Export

Tools for importing objects from one project to another are always very convenient when making migrations from existing systems to new software, Also the import of schemas and data maps of automation devices are powerful tools to build faster systems with accurate and correct data.


Import and Export of projects

In the Run part of the engineering work area there is a section Extensions used for the import and export of data and parts of projects.

In the Import tab, there are several applications that specialize in importing data from other environments or IEDs to include it in this project Action.NET.

In the Export part, you can use filters and options to choose what you want to export, and then perform the task that will create a special .tcomponent extension file named Component, ready to be imported into another Action.NET project.

In Components is presented the list of components available on the computer, which can be checked and imported.

Installed Plugins shows a list of external applications that have been connected to the project.

Import Wizards

In the tab Run-Extensions-Import you find a set of wizards for importing project components.

The content displayed in this interface is dynamically created according to the DLLs found in the /Extensions/IMPORT of the installation of the project.

System integrators and other partner companies can create import wizards using the appropriate Toolkits.

The import tools already inline installed with the product are listed in this item.

Import projects Action.NET

Allows the import of data from a project (all), with options of what should be done in case of duplications, for the current project. Alternatively, it allows you to import data from a component file from a project created by the Action.NET export tool described in "Component Export" on page 85.

 Import Rockwell ControlLogix

Creates the Tag Names, Tag Templates and mapping the PLC addresses, all according to the information available in the L5K file.

 Import configuration from an OPC Server

Creates tag names, tag templates and mapping opc client addresses, all according to available information, by navigating to the OPC server

 Import from an OSIsoft PI system

When connecting with Historian PI System servers, it automatically creates the link with the PI tags, elements, and attributes of PI AF servers.

When connecting with PI AF, it automatically brings the definition of all active models and elements in the selected database, as well as mapping to communicate with the server.

The PI import wizard is only shown on licensed installations with the PI connection module enabled

Importing Tag Templates into XML

Creates the Tag Names, Tag Templates according to the data structure of the XML file, it also creates the Edit-Datasets-Files setting to read this file

Importing NET dot classes from a DLL

Creates Tag Templates that match the selected dot NET classes.

Importing ActionView Projects

This import wizard can be used to import Tags, Alarm Items, Historian tables to Points tables of an ActionView project.

Automated generation of Action.NET

This import wizard can be used for automatic generation of Alarm Items, Historian tables to Points tables. To do this, it is necessary to create templates, channels, nodes and the necessary Historian Tables. Categories indicating how templates and Points should be used should also be created. The wizard when running does the "explosion", i.e. creates the mentioned tables. For more details on this wizard see the chapter "Deploy - Automated Generation Projects" on page 369.

Importing tables

Allows selective import of tables, with ease of choice of columns in each table, from a data source for which there is, in the environment, available data providers.

Importer of Historical Databases

It is a tool that enables the import of data from historical databases of ActionView projects or Action.NET. Allows the choice of source bases in SQLServer or others, event tables, alarms or measures.

 Importer files . CSV

Creates multiple objects in a Action.NET project, from their definitions in CSV format in text files. Allows you to create tags, points, channels, devices and create screens and insert graphic symbols on the screens. The file format is the same as that obtained by exporting the project to . CSV.

 Project Reviewer

This tool reads several main tables of objects in a Action.NET project and produces a critical report pointing out relationship integrity defects between project objects.

 Importer of IEC- 61850

Creates tag names, tag templates, and mapping addresses to an IEC-61850 client channel, following the mapping of existing objects within an IED Server IEC 61850.

 SinapWise Import

This importer is part of the product ActionWise. It is used to, from the reading of a topological database created by the application ActionWiseTolllKit, create tags, points and screens in a Action.NET project, for the purpose of implementing a FLISR (Self Healing) project.

Component export

To selectively export parts of a Action.NET project, which can be imported into another project, this tool is available whose purpose is to offer the possibilities of selecting the data of this project and creating a file, with .tcomponent extension.

To make a data export:

  1. Go to Run>Extensions>Export, to gain access to the export area;

  2. Press the button Refresh so that a search is done on the current project and filled the table with all existing objects. This list can contain scripts, tags, tables, devices, and any other items previously built into the project.

  1. Check the rows in the table and select the ones you want to include in the export. Make multiple line selection, in conventional form, shift+ click on the start line and the end line, or ctrl and click on each line.

  2. Once the lines have been selected, press the Check selected items , and see that in the column Export the symbol will appear "ticado green".

  3. To de-select lines you don't want to include, repeat the selection of them and press the Uncheck selected items, see the "green ticados" Disappear.

  4. Also check if you want the export options of AlarmItems, TagHistorian and DataPoints, which are not included in the table because they are always dependent on the tags that are included.

  5. Check the option Export secondary dependencies, to ensure that other dependencies, if any, are also exported to ensure the integrity of data and relationships

  6. To perform the export press Export... A "Make new Component" window appears to specify the component name and other options. See this window's figure and information about existing fields. At the end, click "Yes" to start exporting. A new window appears with the progress of the task and at the end the successful export completion notice and the name of the generated file. The generated component file has the same format as the project file itself, and is therefore closed to other applications.

  7. Alternatively, you can request the export in CSV or XML format using the Export as CSV/XML... The aquivos generated in this way are simpler, in text format, and can be opened and for example imported to other applications designed to recognize them.

In the following figure is the window used to define a new component:

  • Name: Fill in the name of the component to be exported.

  • Force as Plugin: Indicates that the exporter forces the component to be plug-in instead of a standard component.

  • Contents Hidden: Causes the contents of the component to be "hidden", which means that this component to be created cannot be edited when imported into a new project.

  • Preview: Indicate a "preview" image that will represent the new component.

  • Version: Indicate the version for this new component.

  • Description: A brief description of the function of this component, such as a comment.


In the Run-Extensions-Components tab you find all the information needed to import a Component into the current project. Once you have a component item, exported from another Action.NET, you will be able to import it into your project.

The figure shows the screen shown in the Components tab.


Nthe top of the screen, there are three buttons, and a field for the definition of the subdirectory to be used to show the available components.

  • Refresh: Refresh this screen by updating the list with all components that are in the indicated subdirectory that can be imported into this project. This list can contain any component previously created on this computer or even in the cloud that is accessible (Cloud). Clicking on one of the rows in the list, to the left of the screen, the component is selected, and its items will be shown in the frame to the right of the screen, in the form of a hierarchical list.

  • Add Component: This button, when pressed, shows the "Add Component" window where you can configure the properties of the component to be imported. This window allows you to select whether the imported component will be of type "Embedded" or whether it will be imported as a manageable plugin. If the component was created with the "Force as Plugin" option, the "Add as component embedded" option cannot be selected.

  • Edit Component: This button allows editing of the previously created component and available for import. This editing facility is not allowed if the component was created with the "contents hidden" option. For component editing, a new tmanager application instantiation is fired, with the component being edited. The columns in the component list are:




The name of the component.


An image representing the component


Where the component is, which can be local, or in the cloud


The component version as a number (example 1.0)

Product Version

The version of Action.NET in which the component was created.


Checked indicates that the plugin is already installed in the project.

Installed PlugIns

In Run-Extensions-InstalledPluIngs you will find information about the plugIns previously installed in the project.

At the top of the screen are four buttons:


  • Refresh: Refreshthe list of this screen by updating items that have already been imported as Plugins in the project.

  • Update: Searches for updates in plugins, based on the number of versions of the files found.

  • Removes: Removes a selected Plugin and its project dependencies.

  • Import and Merge: In the case of Plugins that were not created with the Option of Force as Plugin allows you to make a conversion of the plugin to become a component and add your items in the project.

The columns in the list of plugins are:




The name of the plugin


An image representing the plugin


Where the plugin is, which can be local or in the cloud


The plugin version as a number (example 1.0)


If checked indicates that there are updates to this plugin in the directory indicated as source.


A brief comment on the function of the plugin

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