Default Application Displays

Default Application Displays

Default application already comes with a set of ready-made displays to be used in your application. For the treatment of these screens there is also a set of Predefined Tags. This section presents these objects.


Layout Default

There is a single layout in the Default Application: the DockPanel layout MainLayout which takes the form of a screen with header and footer, as shown in the figure below:

The overall screen format that uses this MainLayout layout is shown in the following figure:

This layout is used to display all ready-made screens of the Default Application.
If users want to develop new layouts, simply create them and note that before loading a screen you should upload your layout.
After you import the component items, you must set the "MainLayout" to Startup Layout in the project. This can be done in the "Edit - Displays - Displays" section as shown in the figure below:

Care! Be sure to perform a "Build" after importing the component. Build helps the new project find the objects imported from the component and reference them correctly in the project.

Screens Available

In this section a description of the general screens in the DefaultNewProject, its functionalities and specificities. Specific module screens such as annotations or maneuvers are explained in their corresponding sections.


For both alarm and event screens and alarm items, consider that the state (State field) of an alarm can have the following values:

Estado Valor None 0 Active 1 Normalized 2 Acknowledge 3


Project and machine information screen.
On this screen you can also call the tag information page (AN_TagView).


Display screen of alarms in a tabular way. Contains a tAlarmWindow with the following properties configured:

The filter of this screen is configured from the system tag Tag.ZZ_System.AlarmSum.TagsFilterSQL. A tag is considered an alarm to be viewed on this screen if:
The priority of the alarm condition is less than or equal to 10; and The alarm status is different from 0.
Therefore, the tag Tag.ZZ_System.AlarmSum.TagsFilterSQL will value the expression: [Priority] <= 10 AND [State] <> 0
Only 4096 records are inserted into the tAlarmWindow control.

AN_ChooseTag and AN_CmdManobra

Maneuvering functionality screens. These screens will be best described in the "Maneuvers".


Example of command screen. This screen uses the tag reference tag. ZZ_CommandWD to show state, calculate condition, text buttons, and make commands in a "linked" tag.
The command routine of this screen is in the codebehind. In this routine, some constants that will be applied to the command to be executed (Time out, Password and operation) are initially defined, and the 'MouseLeftButtonDown1' method is checked if the tag has any impediment (showing a message on the alarm screen if it has). If not, the state values are adjusted (in the example, the values are adjusted for a double circuit breaker) and the 'SendCmd' method of the Signalling Commands Class is called (see "Verification of Command Signaling") to execute the command, and then an alarm of the type "AuditTrail" customized with the use of the function is made @Alarm.AuditTrail.AddCustomMessage(string message, string areaName, string tagName).
This alarm, by default, is shown on both the event and the operation summary screen.
Finally, the last three methods 'MouseLeftButtonDown2', 'MouseLeftButtonDown3' and 'MouseLeftButtonDown4' are used to generate an alarm signaling the toggle respectively of 'IDS_Simulated', 'IDS_Inhibited' and 'IDS_Disabled'.

If you want to command some other device with the sample screen, simply change the status values 'LockValue'. Example: For the use of a simple circuit breaker, simply change the 'LockValue' value of the aperture command to 1, and the lockvalue of the lock command to 0. If you want to change only the type of operation to be performed, simply change the value of the OPER constant to some type of valid command in the "Signalling Command" class.


Event preview screen in a tabular way. Contains a tAlarmWindow with the following properties configured:

The filter of this screen is configured from the system tag Tag.ZZ_System.EventsSum.TagsFilterSQL. A tag is considered an event to be viewed on this screen if:

  • The alarm tag group is different from Alarm.Group.SystemEvent; or

  • The alarm tag group is equal to Alarm.Group.SystemEvent And the alarm condition is equal to 100.

Therefore, the tag Tag.ZZ_System. EventsSum.TagsFilterSQL will value the expression:
([GroupName] <> 'Alarm.Group.SystemEvent') OR ([GroupName] = 'Alarm.Group.SystemEvent' AND [Condition] = '100')
This screen is limited to 1000 events because it only handles the latest events. For a larger list of events, you use the Event History screen.


Screen that maintains wpf spin control. ActionNet.View.Wpf.Controls.Filter. This control is referenced in "Run – Build – References" with the identity "SPIN_ActionNet_View_Wpf_Controls" and is domain to the property "Client" because it is only used on clients.
The filter control is used on all screens that require data search in measurement and alarm hists and also on the tag summary screen.
Basically, this control checks the conditions selected by the user, assembles a SQL query or a results table, and passes it internally to a system tag. For a better understanding of how this filter works for each screen, see the screen documentation in this manual.


Footer screen of the "Startup" layout. Its function is to show the last event that occurred. Contains only a reduced tAlarmWindow of a row. Its properties can be checked below:



Header screen of the "StartUp" layout. Its function is navigation between system screens created in DefaultNewProject. You can also navigate from object dynamics to screens other than system screens. These object dynamics are explained in the user guide of the Action.Net.
By default, the screen AN_Header is the screen selected for the header. And follow the model below.

The default template comes with the objects and their properties already configured. It is free to use the user to customize according to the need of each project. Below are two tables exemplifying the default functionality of icons and dynamic texts.


Dynamic texts

"User: " + Client.UserName.ToUpper()

Informs the user logged into the System.


Reports the number of alarms.



Screen Comados Bar

Opens the display AN_About.

Open the display AN_LogOn. The user exchange is performed.

Closes the client window.

Returns to the previously opened display.

Opens the display AN_MainPage.

Opens the display AN_AlarmsSummary.
When the icon has a red square flashing around it, it indicates that the Alarms module is not running.

Opens the display AN_EventsSummary.
When the icon has a red square flashing around it, it indicates that the Alarms module is not running.

Mutes alarm sound effects by updating the value of the Alarm.BeepState variable
to 0.

Opens the display AN_Operation_Log.
When the icon has a red square flashing around it, it indicates that the Alarms module is not running.

Opens the display AN_TagsSummary.

Opens the display AN_HistoricEventsSummary.
When the icon has a red square flashing around it, it indicates that the Alarms module is not running.

Opens the display AN_HistoricEventsSummary.
When the icon has a red square flashing around it, it indicates that the History module is not running.

Opens the display AN_TrendsScreen.
When the icon has a red square flashing around it, it indicates that the History module is not running.

Opens the display AN_PageSelector. Screen selector.

Opens the display AN_Filter.
The icon is disabled when the screen does not have filter functionality.

Exports to CSV the result of the UID Data Grid "grid" of the display.
Runs the method (ExportToCsv) found in the code behind the AN_Header. The icon is disabled when the screen does not have export functionality.


Event history view screen in a tabular way. Contains a tAlarmWindow with the following properties configured:







Show column titles


Show Header


Show Header Text

Drag here to group

Allow sort


Allow column reorder


Display value Column as Yes

Display Miliseconds




This screen filters the tag Tag.ZZ_System. HistEvents.TagsFilterSQL of the string type to filter data, using the page control AN_Filter described in the "Filter Control" of this guide.


Example screen of using loading event.


Legacy screen of command impediment.


Main project screen for tRichClient client and tSmartClient. This screen is set up in the "Startup" Layout under "Edit - Displays - Layouts". It can be replaced by the user.

AN_NoteDetails and AN_NotesSummary

Notes feature screens. These screens will be best described in the Notes
of this manual.


The operations log screen shows all operations of type AlarmHistory + AuditTrail. In this component, it is configured to show user logon and custom system messaging operations. The screen is also called Summary of Operations.
AuditTrail settings can be configured in the Edit > Alarms >Groups
by pressing the "Settings" button. Here's the current configuration:

Custom Messages can be entered via script using the following calls:
@Alarm.AuditTrail.AddCustomMessage(string message); or
@Alarm.AuditTrail.AddCustomMessage(string message, string area, string objectName);
There are other variations of the call. For more information, visit the Action.Net.
The circuit breakerand disconnector control screens use the command described above to inform the operations log screen that these equipment has been commanded.
The operations log shows by default the Date/Time, Level, Tag Name, Message Description, Value, Condition, and User responsible for that operation (where applicable) columns. Other columns can also be selected by the user.
The report shows a maximum of 4096 lines of operation.
Uses the tag "Tag.ZZ_System.OperationSum.TagsFilterSQL" as a filter and this tag has the value assigned to (([GroupName] = 'AuditTrail' OR [GroupName] = 'SystemEvent') OR [Priority] >= 20). Therefore, only AuditTrail or SystemEvent alarms or alarms with priority above 20 are shown on this screen.
The following are the settings of the tAlarmWindow control of this screen:


This screen is called by the report buttons of the AN_Header, AN_Header2, AN_Header3.
It contains a "PageSelector" control that shows only the screens configured to appear in a PageSelector type control.
There are two ways to mark a screen to appear in this control, in the screen settings in the "Draw" section or in the "AllowSelection" column in the section Edit > Displays > Displays.


Similar to the AN_Command screen, but using the tag ZZ_Disj directly.


Table view screen of tabbing tags. Contains a tDatagridWindow with the following properties configured:
This screen uses as a data source the tag Tag.ZZ_System.TagsSummary.GridDataSource of the DataTable type.
To filter data, you use the page control AN_Filter described in the Filter Control section of this guide.


Shows the properties of a tag specified by the user in a tabular way. This screen is called from the project information screen.
To see the properties of a tag, simply enter its correct name in the "Enter tag below" field and press the OK button.


Real-time or historical data display screen in chart format. This screen uses a TrendWindow control that contains the following properties:
The control uses properties expressed by the tags Tag.ZZ_System.NewTrend and Tag.ZZ_System.NewPens.
The choice of feathers for viewing is made from the Filter Control. The tags selected in the filter are configured in the Tag.ZZ_System.NewPens tag. Selection of up to 15 feathers is allowed.
It also contains codebehind scripts as aid to initial configuration operations, chart stop, real-time start, historical mode start, and chart feather cleanup.

Initial Setup

Historical Mode

Real Time Mode

Stop chart plotting

Clear graph pens

Show Data

After you start a plot, and the charts are shown. you can also see the data table corresponding to the chart.

Just press the button Show Data. Then a table appears with the timestamps and values used in the plot on the page in question.

This chart above was generated with the data shown below. While being shown table you can press the Export CSV to get the data in a text file, CSV format that can easily be imported into a spreadsheet and chart in MS-EXCEL. By pressing the button Graph back to the chart presentation.


Real-time application access screen on HTML5 clients. By default this screen is called when the application runs on a client. The screen is called by the task "ClientStartup" defined in the section "Edit - Scripts - Tasks".
The login is done from the script in "CodeBehind" (note that for HTML5 screens the script uses the javascript language) from the screen from the authentication request to the server expressed by the command:
@Client.LogOn(string userName, string password);
If authentication is confirmed by the server, this screen calls the system home screen. Otherwise, error messages are shown to the user if the user name or password provided does not match the user registration section Edit > Security > Users.


Main project screen for HTML5 clients. This screen is called from the HTML5_Logon if the user has provided the correct authentication information. It can be changed by the integrator from the code editing of the HTML_Logon screen (note that for HTML5 screens the script uses the javascript language).


Real-time application access screen on tRichClient and tSmartClient clients. By default this screen is called when the application runs on a client. The screen is called by the "ClientStartup" task defined in the Edit > Scripts > Tasks..
The login is done from the script in the "CodeBehind" screen from the authentication request to the server expressed by the command:
@Client.LogOn(string userName, string password);
If authentication is confirmed by the server, this screen calls the system home screen. Otherwise, error messages are shown to the user if the user name or password provided does not match the user registration in the "Edit - Security - Users" section.

On this page:








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