Appendix - Communication Drivers
Connectivity is a key feature on the platform Action.NETtherefore, the system has built-in support for various industry standard protocols, such as OPC and Modbus, in addition to these the Action.NET it also has many native communication interfaces for a wide variety of proprietary protocols from hardware manufacturers and PLCs.
Communication Protocols
The reasons for including native protocols, in addition to OPC, are many, such as: cost reduction, since most protocols are not charged; easier configuration, since it is integrated into the system; greater access to protocol functions; for performance reasons and diagnostics, characteristics that are not possible when using external components such as OPC. Technical support is also simplified because the protocol provider is unique and is the same that develops and provides SCADA.
Protocols Included
The following communication protocols are included in the standard distribution of the product, but its use needs to be licensed:
AB Rockwell - ControlLogix/CompactLogix devices
AB Rockwell - MicroLogix devices
AB Rockwell - PLC5/SLC Devices
AB Rockwell - Serial Micrologix
ASCII - Generic ASCII Master Protocol
Automation Direction, KOYO, using ECOM protocol
Barcode Reader ASCII protocol - RS232 and TCP/IP
Beckhoff - TwinCAT PLC/IO devices
Bosch Rexroth - IndraControl devices using EtherNet/IP Adapter
Cincinnati Test Systems - Sentinel I28 devices
CTC Binary 5300 model - TCP/IP
Desoutter - CVIC II devices
DNP3.0 L3 Master Standard protocol
Emerson - WirelessHart devices HartIP protocol
FactoryStudio - TRemoteClient Protocol Driver Client
Fatek FBs PLCs - Facon protocol - TCP/IP and RS232
GEFanuc - Ethernet using SRTP protocol
Mitsubishi - Series Q
Mitsubishi Melsec-FX (MelsecQ 1E Frame)
Modbus - TCP/IP and RS-232, RTU and ASC, modbus master protocol
Slave Modbus - TCP/IP and RS-232, RTU and ASC, modbus slave protocol
National Instruments Data Sockets - Labview
National Instruments Data Sockets Read-Only - Labview
Omron Master using FINS Commands
OPC HDA Client - OPC client access to local or remote servers
OPC UA Client
OPCXmlDA - OPC Xml/DA Client
Raspberry PI GPIO
Schneider Electric - UnityPro - Quantum PLC's, Momentum M340 and M580
Siemens S7 devices
Siemens/TI505 - Siemens Simatic/TI505 devices
System Monitor
Transverter for Raspberry PI
TTagReceiver Protocol Driver
TTagSender Protocol Driver
TSimulator (Data Simulator)
Supported Protocols
There are many protocols that, although not included in the standard installers of the product, are available upon request from the customer. Some of these protocols are already in a state of use in production, others are in the development and testing phase. Contact SPIN if you need any of the protocols in this list.
Altus AL-1000, AL2000 and Nexto PLC
Mitsubishi Series A
Omron CS/CJ/CP-series CPU Unit or NSJ Controller
Reliance CP3000
Smar CD600
Additional premium interfaces
There are some interfaces that are available and have not been included in the product distribution because they have their own installation packages or are sold as optional modules. These include the following protocols, in alphabetical order:
DNP 3.0 Protocol (Client & server)
IEC-61850 Master standard protocol
IEC-870-5-104 (Master & Server) standard protocol
IEC-870-5-101 (Master & Server) standard protocol
Tase-2 - ICCP (Master & Server) standard protocol
OSIsoft PI System and PI AF, using AFSDK connector
WITS Level Pason
WITS Level passive
Bailey - INFI90 devices
Special developments
Even if the equipment with which your application needs to communicate is not listed, but there is no public information about the protocol, contact us since, in many cases, as long as you can have access to protocol documentation and physical units for testing, there is the possibility of special developments.
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