Levels Categories and Dictionaries
Here we present the Default Application Levels, Categories, Security, Dicionatios and Datasets
Creation of Levels (Assets)
All existing tags in the "Default Application" were created to generate the screens made available in this application as well as make filters of these screens that allow you to select collections of tags associated with alarm priority, category, level, etc.
These tags are associated with the "SysInternals" that corresponds to a set of internal application variables, not usable on automatically generated screens. Thus, the variables used in these screens have as restrictions:
They cannot be of the SysInternals type;
Must be of an Asset level similar to SysInternal or higher;
Must be from the server domain (that is, they cannot be variables associated with a workstation = Client);
Before the user creates their templates and tags, they must make the tree of your application (Assets) that will match the levels used to filter variables.
As an example, below is presented a level tree considering a substation with two lines of 138 kV a bar B1, a T1 transformer of 138/13.8 kV and three feeder bays of 13.8 kV.
In the above case, six bays will be created( spans):
In the "Default Application" several categories are available that have the following features:
AN_GROUP_ALARM: This category must be associated with the entire bay/grouping to which you want to associate a group alarm. Thus, for example, if each feeder is to create a variable that tells you if there is any tag of this feeder in alarm, you must associate this feeder with this category;
AN_GRUALM_ALM: All bays/groupings that have group alarm treatment must have a calculated digital type variable with this associated category. This variable will have the value equal to 1 if at least one tag of this bay/grouping is in alarm;
AN_DESBALANCO: This category is used for the calculation of two- and three-phase circuit current debalance. Three-stage circuits should also include the AN_TRIFASICA. Note that in the calculation made in the
Default application by routine: (Script / Classes / AN_DesbalançoCorrente) variables are required to be declared in the Currents template.
AN_TRIFASICA: Category used in three-phase current debalance.
Categories that start with the prefix ALARMGROUP_ are most commonly used alarm groups, and are defined to be used with the DEPLOY extension.
Categories that start with the prefix HIST_ for defining most commonly used Historic tables, and are used with the DEPLOY extension.
Default Application Security
This section describes items from the SPIN component that can be found in the "Edit - Security" section. Each sub-item in this section corresponds to a tab in the aforementioned section of Action.Net.
The SPIN component by default brings the following users and their properties:
Name | Permissions | Policy | Password |
OPER | Operator | Operpol | or |
SUPER | Supervisor | Default | s |
OPERCOM | Operator | Operpol | or |
Administrator | Administrator | Default | (no password) |
The SPIN component by default brings the following permissions and their properties:
Name | Edit | Run | |
Operator | (all disabled) | options | Startup; ClientStart; ToolsSetValues; CreateUsers; |
The SPIN component by default brings the following security policies and their properties:
SessionIdentificationNameOperPol AllowPasswordChange=False;
PasswordMinLength=4; AllowShareUser=True
In this component two templates are present: ZZ_Condition and ZZ_Disj_States. These dictionaries are used in the template ZZ_Disjuntor to exemplify how to assign states to variables of the entire type (Multiple Digital and Digital, for example).
The following are the values and texts referring to the state that each of these templates:
Tag Status | Text |
1 | MET |
-1 | THERE IS NO |
Tag Status | Text |
1 | OPEN |
2 | CLOSED |
This section aims to demonstrate the use of objects from the "Edit – Datasets" section of the project editor of Action.Net. Each subitem corresponds to a tab in the section.
The component uses its own database that by default comes configured for the SqLite data collection. The connection to this base is made by the ProjectInternal connection.
When you run the project, with the SqLite connection, a new file "Project Name.db3" is created in the project folder.
The Maneuver Window, described in this manual, uses a mapping to the "Maneuvers" table in this tab.
The mapping name is set to "Maneuver", its Access property is set to "Unrestricted" and it points to the table (TableName) "Maneuvers". The configuration for the WhereCondition property was not made because it is configured in code (script).
The SPIN component uses three queries objects internally in its modules. They are:
NoteTypes - Used by the notes module. Refers to the ProjectInternal connection and has as SqlStatement the query "SELECT txtType from NoteTypes";
QueryManeuver - Used by the maneuvermodule. Refers to the ProjectInternal connection and does not contain SqlStatement. The same is configured by code (script); and
QueryTagHistorian - Used by the measurement history module. Refers to the default connection of the taghistorian Action.Net does not contain SqlStatement. The same is configured by code (script).
Default Application Alarms
In the Default Application are already created several behaviors of Alarms with standardized procedures in relation to their insertion in the screens generated automatically. The figure below shows these alarms:
In the Default Application messages generated by AlarmGroups that have priorities between 1 and 10 will be inserted into the Alarm Summary, and will only remain there while they are in the state ACTIVE. All messages, both activation and alarm normalization, are inserted into the Event Summary and remain there throughout the day they were generated.
Therefore, the priority setting should be done by the user according to their preference in the handling of messages.
In the Action.NET, it is called Events all occurrences that must be recorded in history and is called Alarms occurrences that must be checked and require an action, as they refer to situations of application failure.
The texts used to comwrite the names of alarmgroups have the following meaning: ACK - Require recognition
NOACK = Do not require BIP recognition - Cause audible alarm
NOBIP - Do not use audible alarm in their activation
Use Change condition and are intended to only appear in Event Sumario, Items must be created with priority greater than 10.
Use HI condition
Use HIHI condition
Use lo condition
Use LOLO condition
Use condition Equal or NotEqual
Historian Tables
In the default application there is an already created table that can be used to store historical measures. This table is called Table1 and has the following attributes:
Table Name: Table1;
Auto Create: yes;
Save on Change: yes (you'll save a record whenever a table tag changes);
Trigger: none;
Life Time: 31 days (erases the oldest records);
Time Span: 1 minute;
Description: Default historian table, one minute time span.
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