Windows AD / LDAP Server

Windows AD / LDAP Server

Action.Net provides ways of using external authentication for the projects. There is an integration with Windows Authentication AD and LDAP Servers. Following is a description on how to use each one.


Windows Authentication AD

To enable Windows Authentication in Action.Net, go to Info → Project → Redundancy, and enable “Windows Authentication”.



When using Windows Authentication, Action.Net's user management is disabled, and the management is controlled by Windows. The user that is logged into the computer is the user that is used in the system.

When you’re using remote access, the server will validate the user for the client; the client's user will exist on the server computer and be part of the same domain.

It’s important to verify which port is being used by the TServer with Windows Authentication. The client will default to port 3102. However, this can be changed and identified by the client.

The user’s Windows group will determine which Action.Net group will be used. It will search for the same group names. If they do not exist, the Guest group will be used.

LDAP Server

To enable the LDAP Server in Action.Net, please go to Info → Project → Settings. Then, type the LDAP server's name in the AD/LDAP Server field.



To integrate the LDAP Server, the only customization that you need to do is use the AD/LDAP Server under Info > Project > Settings. 

The project Client.LogOn() method in the LOGON page will work properly after enabling the LDAP Server.

When this method is called, it will check the project for an Engineering user. If none are found, it will check for a runtime user. If no runtime users are found, it will check for a LDAP user if the LDAP Server is configured. The first user that is found and validated will be the user that is logged into the project. 

After the user validation, the user’s Windows group will determine which project Security Permission will be used. It will search in the project Security Permission for the same Windows Group name. If it finds the exact same name, the Security Permission will be used in the project for the logged in User. If any names match, the guest permission will be used.

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