

Topology Object

The module that implements View Energization in Unifilares is defined as a class, available from the Component TOPOLOGY of Action.NET.
To use this facility you must import this component into the project generated by DefaultNewProject and include the Topology template in the baytemplates.
There is a class defined in scripts within the project, which in turn uses a class defined in the Actiion.NET using the file, SPIN. ActionNet.Biz.Eletric.Dll, installed normally with the Action.NET.
The methodology used considers that unifilares and connection elements form a graph. The connecting elements are the interconnections and the bays are the graph nodes.
To model this topology, an adjacency matrix is formed, with the bays/paths using each row and each column of the matrix. Existing interconnections are indicated by a signaling in cells that intersect rows and columns of the array that represent adjacent bays.
The internal topology to the bays is used to periodically check whether the adjacency is confirmed or interrupted. Each evaluation, the branch tag states are properly changed again, used to choose the colors of the unifilare branches.

Methods and Calls

The class SS_TOPOLOGY, defined as script in the component imported into the project, basically has two parts: one initialization and one periodic evaluation.


The method Initialize() class should be called only once in a TASK.
The implementation considers that a unifilar screen will contain a single set of interconnected bays. It is not necessary for all bays to be in a single fully connected set. Treatment is possible, even if there are islands, this is more than one connected set.
In the Initialization method, for each screen, an internal object is created, and in them the reading of the interconnection records of the bays stored in the table Topology and creating in-memory arrays, which reproduce the saved topology. Arrays created include an adjacency array, with indications of interconnections between bays; a vector with bays that are supplied and are at the root of the unifilar; and a vector indicating for each interconnection whether it is made between main paths or secondary paths within the bays.
The figure shows a TASK, which will run periodically. Only the first time the initializations are performed, by the method isInitiated.

Periodic evaluation

For periodic evaluation, you must call the Method of Evaluating the current state of connections between the bays of each screen, Evaluate(); There is no parameter because the method traverses the list of energizing calculation objects of each screen by evaluating for each screen.
The method of each internal object checks for each bay if it is root supplying and from it follows the interconnection indications of the adjacency matrix.
For each row the array checks each column that contains a bay that is interconnected. It then confirms whether internally to the bay connectivity is maintained or interrupted according to the state of the connection elements included in the bay.
For each branch that follows the connected elements, mark that is energized, if the bay entrance is. The energizing information is placed in the BRANCH and BRANCHALT tags of the bay topology template.
At the end, for each bay is updated the BAYSTATE tag with the final state of the bay, according to the energizing state of the branch that defines this state.
The figure shows the class SS_TOPOLOGY, defined as a script in the project.
Make sure that the name of the object on which the parameters are defined is the same as that appears in the code of this class. If necessary change to indicate this object correctly.

Constants Configuration

The following figure shows the constant template for topology functionality. In this part is the definition of constants used in the code of the methods of this class.
If the project uses different names or constants to indicate these same objects, you must make any changes that are necessary in the StartValues of this template


  • typeSta - Name of the sub template that contains the data bay state, already with sectionpoints. In this template should be the tags that define the connection elements. The tag: bay + staType + tag text contained in TAGCONNECTION will be searched. This tag can be empty if there is no sub template. STA.

  • typeMEA - Name of the sub template that contains measurement data, already with the section points.

  • typeTopg- Name of the sub template that contains the data bay topology, already with sectionpoints. In this template should be the tags of BRANCHES and TAGCONNECTION;

  • typeMea - Name of the sub template that contains the data of bay measures, already with sectionpoints. In this template should be the tags that define the supply measure of the root bays (supplies).

  • tagPowerSupply -Tag that contains the power supply measure of the supplier bay with the value attribute. The algorithm will check if this value is equal to or greater than 1, and if it is, it will consider this Root bay energized. Alternatively, this parameter can be set to NONE and, through scripts, properly trigger the ENERGIZED tag of the TOPG template in the ROOT bay.

Internally in the library are being considered the following constants

  • CT_OPEN and CT_CLOSED - Values used for the open and closed states of the connection elements.

  • MAX_BRANCHES - The maximum number of extensions (or branches) existing on a primary or secondary route of a bay.

  • CT_ON and CT_OFF - Values that will be placed on branch tags to indicate energized or not.

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