

They are Windows for the creation and maintenance of Notes procedures, occurrences, care, and technical feedback made by system operators in real time. Includes, in addition to each annotation record, a listing with summaries and properties of each Annotation, and search, export, and other functionality facilities.



Importing the 'Notes' component

  1. With the project open, go to 'Run' -> 'Extensions' -> 'Components';

    1. Make sure the component directory is correct;

    2. Click the 'Refresh' button;

  2. Select the 'Notes' component;

    1. Click the 'Add Component...' button

    2. Select the 'Add and merge to project' option, and click 'Ok';

  3. Wait for the import;

  4. Go to 'Run' -> 'Build';

    1. Select all available options for the build;

    2. Click 'Build...';

Using the Level attribute (Assets) in Tags

All Tags that use annotation features must have a level associated with them. For more information on registering Levels, please check the item"Creating Levels (Assets)".


Registration of Types and Status of Notes


Initially, the status list and the list of annotation types should be configured. Each list is configured in a given system tag by separating items from lists by a semicolon
Registration must be made in the template ZLAT_NotesRepository the "StartValue" property or the "Comments" property of the tag. When the project runs, annotation scripts verify that the "StartValue" property is empty. If it is, it checks whether the "Comments" property has been set and passes its value to the system tag value property. If the "StartValue" property is configured, the script passes the contents of this property to the "Value" property of the system tag.
The table below shows the configurable system tags for displaying the list of statuses and types of annotations.

System Tags



Note status list


List of Annotation Types

Screen Calls


For the call of the annotation registration screen, it is necessary to create a button, a menu, a label, finally, any control that contains action dynamics associated with it on some page of the project.
In the control's action dynamics, configure "Run Expressions" or script. Enter the following dynamics in the first expression field:

Display.ZLAW_Notes.NewPopup("tagName='" + Tag.TagName.GetName() + "';tagLevel='" + Tag.TagName.Level + "'") Onde: Tag.TagName.GetName() is the tag name associated to annotation; Tag.TagName.Level is the asset (level) to with is associated the annotation.

This dynamic opens the annotations as popup registration screen and passes as parameters to the window the name of the tag and the level of the same.

Summary of Notes

The annotation summary screen can be called directly from an action dynamic of any control that supports this type of dynamics or from the Ribbon report button and its corresponding buttons on the other project header screens (AN_Header, AN_Header2, AN_Header3).
The call by action dynamics is made through the option:

  • "OpenDisplay" by parameterising the Display.ZLAR_NotesSummary, or

  • "Run Expressions" by passing the Display.ZLAR_NotesSummary.Open() command in the "Expression" field or

  • By script using the command "@ Display.ZLAR_NotesSummary.Open()".

The call by the header screens is made only by selecting the "Show on Page selector object" property in the "Draw" module of the project. This will make the screen be shown in the "Runtime" report list.
Show on Page Selector and Report Selection Screen




Create / Edit / Remove Notes

Preparing for the lead screen call described in item 7.1.3 enables the user, at project runtime, to register new annotations or edit existing annotations of a particular project tag. Whatever method was used for the lead screen call, when you run this method, the following screen will be shown:


  • In the grouping "Details", we have the features of creating and editing annotations for the selected tag.

  1. By clicking the "New", the annotation stumbling screen is cleared, as shown in the figure above, and sets the issue date/time and completion values to the current time, the tag, and tag level for the tag selected before the screen call, the operator name for the current operator name of that instance, and the station for the current station name of that instance. The other fields must be configured by the user.

  2. By clicking the "Save" the due date/time is set to the current time. If the user is creating a new annotation, the selected settings are entered into the database. If you are editing a previous annotation, changes made as well as the change in the due date/time are overwritten in the database.

  3. By clicking the "Remove", the selected item is removed from the database. The remove button, by default, is enabled only for users with permission of type "Administrator". How each project may contain divergent requirements on the security issue. It is at the discretion of the project implementing team to enable/disable the button to other permission groups. To do this, simply access the "Security" properties of the "Remove" button from the "ZLAW_Notes" screen. See the following figure:

4. By clicking the "Get out", the screen closes. If any changes have been made and have not been saved, it will be lost.

  • In the grouping "List of Notes", a list of the last 5 annotations for the selected tag before the window is opened is displayed.

  1. When selecting a line from this list, the line values are configured in the controls in the "Details".

  2. If changes have been made to the grouping of details that have not been saved, these changes are lost. If necessary, you can make changes to the settings of a selected row and save these changes by clicking the "Save".

Summary of Notes

The preparation for the Call from the Registration screen described above, enables the user to at project runtime, to be able to view all the annotations created in the system, being able to filter them by date / time of issue of the annotations and being able to filter and group the results by tag name, level, type, status, operator and station.

The "Start date/time" and "End date/time" fields refer to the note date/date filters.
By clicking the "Search" button, a new search is done from the selected filter.
To sort or filter by other annotation properties, you use the columns for each property.

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