The purpose of this functionality is to make it easier for the system designer based on Action.NET to implement in the project the visualization of one wire diagrams, with color change, in case they are energized or not.
To obtain this functionality it is necessary to include in the project the data that defines the existing topology, involving connection elements (keys, circuit breakers, disconnectors) and the one wire diagrams or bars themselves.
Therefore it is necessary to implement a module, at project time that allows the definition of the topology and its permanent retention. Also is necessary another real-time module capable of, from the definition of the topology and the current states of connections and active energization, identify the branches of unifilar energized or not, and show different colors on the screen, in these branches.
Deployment mode
The implementation is oriented to the use of objects that define bays, such as feeders, transformers, buses, lines, etc. In the description of the topology, what will be defined is the interconnection between these bays.
At design time, the tool used to create the topology is implemented as an Extension accessible in the project in Run> Extension module Topology Generator . Clicking on this module is shown window to allow input of the connection definition data between bays, defined in the project, and the screen on which they will be shown.
For real-time execution, the class was created AllTopology, with public methods to be called from a Task that will boot energizing monitoring objects to each screen on which to implement the facility.
For the best of all implementation, it is recommended that bays be defined using the main template, to be instantiated with the bay name, and internal templates for each functional set of bay data such as measures, states, commands, etc.
For the methods of topology definition and supervision and control of the visualization, a basic topology template was defined that must be inserted into the main bay template.
For the visualization of the bays, it is recommended that the figures be arranged in symbols with all the unifilar and connectors existing in each bay.
The topology data is recorded by the Extension in a name table Topology resident in the database that has the same project name and .db3 extension (SQLite) and is asked in the project subdirectory. The connection to the database is named ProjectInternal.
All of these objects are included in a TOPOLOGY component to be added to the user's project.
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