Versions and Licenses Action.NET

Versions and Licenses Action.NET

he Action.NET has flexible features that allow you to manage the product version and its licensing. See details of these facilities in the topics in this section.


Version numbers of the Action.NET

The version Action.NET is a sequence of letters and numbers such as: an-9.1.10. The meaning of this sequence is as follows:
<Ident_Produto>- <Main version> <Minor version><Atualização>. Therefore, in this example:

  • Product IDENTIFICATION = an

  • Main version = 9

    • The main version is a great release, which takes place every one or two years. It includes major changes to product documentation or features. Existing customers must have the maintenance plan or purchase an update to gain access to it.

    • The new version installs for a new folder, so it does not affect any product design or installation from previous versions. The license protection, or hardkey or function key (dongle), must be updated to use this version.

  • Minor version = 1

    • The minor version is usually released every three to nine months and is not verified by the license. It includes product improvements and fixes.

    • A minor version is similar to what is sometimes called a "Service Pack". However, with the Action.NET, you can have multiple minor versions installed in different folders and use all of them at the same time on the same computer.

  • Update = 10

    • The update number reflects minor modifications on top of the current version. Updates are always compatible with the current version.

    • Updates are installed on the version of the product they are headed for. If you try to open a project created with an update that you do not have on your computer, you can run that project, but the Engineering tools will open in "read-only" mode. Unless you have a specific need or problem that you need from the upgrade, you are not required to do this update.

Types of Licenses Action.NET

You can check your license in the License from the main page or when editing any project in Info > License > Current.
For information on how to install or update a license, see "Licensing the Action.NET."

Family and Product Model

Action.NET in different product families and models that meet the requirements for different markets. Your license defines the high grade of Family products and Model that you can set for a project. You can always create projects that use a "smaller" family or template.

  • Action.NET Framework (Action.NET for use with pi system)

  • Action.NET Enterprise

  • Action.NET HMI

  • Action.NET-Gateway

  • Action.NET Express

If you do not have a license, the system automatically sets projects created to being from the Express Family, which is for evaluation and training only. While running the application "Runtime" automatically stop after a certain period of time. Using the Express version, you can only edit and run projects created with the Express product family. When you edit a project, a message appears in the upper-right corner when you are running the Express version.
See the product website that has up-to-date information on the description and differences between product families: http://www.spinengenharia.com.br
The Product Model defined in your license defines the maximum number of communication points and tags allowed. For more information, see "Running Projects" .


Depending on your Action.NET, you may have options here to build applications for a specific version of Action.NET. Make sure you know which runtime version your end users will need to use. The option you select determines how many communication points you can create for the project:

  • Enterprise - Use for larger and more complex applications, with unlimited number of communication points in real time.

  • HMI- Use for smaller applications that manage hardware with up to 1,500 real-time communication points.

  • Express - Use only for testing or demonstration purposes.

  • OPCServer - Use when you know you will use only communication by OPC functions.
    You can change this setting later if necessary.


Depending on your Action.NET, you may have options here to build applications for a specific product model. Choose which model based on the number of real-time data points you'll get in projects.

  • Unlimited-There is no limit to the number of communication points in real time. Your computer memory and performance are the only limitations.

  • ServerLarge-Up to 100,000 real-time communication points.

  • ServerMedium-Up to 50,000 real-time communication points.

  • ServerSmall-Up to 25,000 real-time communication points.

  • Plant-Up to 15,000 real-time communication points.

  • Supervisor-Up to 5,000 real-time communication points.

  • Line-Up for 2,500 real-time communication points.

  • Work Cell-Up to 1,500 real-time communication points.

  • Máchine-Up for 500 real-time communication points.

  • Panel - up to 300 communication points in real time.

  • Instrument - up to 150 communication points in real time.

  • Edge - up to 75 real-time communication points.
    You can change this setting later if necessary.

Remote access to Projects

In addition to the product family and product model, your license also has a license type:

  • Engineering - Allows you to configure and execute projects.

  • Runtime - Allows you to run projects.

  • Developer - Available only to VAR partners to create and run projects in test scenarios, not for production.

When you connect to a remote computer to open or run a project, the license that checks is the license on the server, not the license on your local computer.
However, if you connect to a remote computer that has runtime-type license only, but you have an engineering license on your computer, you will be able to configure and run the remote project (as long as you also have the project security and authorization passwords). This is useful for allowing engineers to handle necessary changes in the field.

Project Setup and Licenses

When editing a project, the product family information shown in Info > License
>Current reflect the license on your computer (or on the server if you are opening the project from a server).
The design family and design model in Info> Project> Version reflect the settings for that particular project that can be changed from Info> Project> Settings .
The features and functions available in a project are based on the project family specified for the project (as defined in Info > Project > Version), and not on your license. If you have an Enterprise license but a project has been created with the project family set to HMI, the system will only allow you to use the features and functions that are valid for the HMI product family.
If you try to open a project that has a higher requirement than the license you have, you will not be allowed and a message on the top right will be displayed.

Using multiple versions simultaneously

Versions of Action.NET with different Major or Minor version numbers are installed in folders other than previous versions. This allows you to keep different versions of Action.NET simultaneously installed on the same computer.
The folder structure is:

  • \Action.NET— Folder with the selection of projects and management tools

  • \Action.NET\an-9.1— Files specific to an-9.1 version.

  • \Action.NET\an-8.1— Files specific to an-8.1 version.

You'll have as many subfolders as the product versions Action.NET that are installed on your computer.

NOTE - Because the installation space is very small, only about 100 MB,
we recommend that you keep all versions. When you open a project, the system automatically checks which version of the project it was created in, and it will search for and open with the tools that match the project version.

If you try to open a project created with a new version of the product (for example, you have an-8.1 and you are trying to open a project created with version an-9.1), the system will not open or run that project. In the upper-right corner of your workspace, you'll see a message explaining why the project can't be opened.

If you try to open a project last used with a newer update, for example, you have version an-8.1.10 and try to open a project that was used with version an-8.1.20, as long as you have the license for an-8.1, you are still able to run that project, and open the project with the Engineering tool, even though the project is using an update that is newer than what you have on your computer.

For protection and to avoid inconsistencies, the project will not be allowed to be modified, however, in this scenario that opens in read-only mode. On the upper left right side of your engineering tool you have a message Read Only, indicating this mode when this scenario occurs.
If you have a project that was created in an earlier version of the product (either major or minor), you can update it to the version you are currently using. For more information, see "Updating Projects" .

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