Points can be input or output.
The entry points, that is the points that are acquired by the protocol have basically two main parameters: The type of point and its address.
The output points, used for remote controls, have in addition to the type and address a parameter "Control Code" to specify the output operation. On the address map of an IED the addresses restart for each point type.
Point states or values are reported by the IED by Information Objects defined in the protocol. These objects have variations such as with or without timestamp. Whenever the IED reports with "timestamp" it will be used in the corresponding attribute of a point in ActionNET. When "timestamp" does not come, the driver will place the current time of the computer where the driver is running as "timestamp".
The communication module in Master mode implements:
Reading digital dots;
Reading analog variables;
Reading counters;
Digital and analog dot commands;
Command "select before operate";
Types of points
The types of implemented points are defined using the data objects defined in the standard, as follows. For each type of point whatever the variations of objects received from the IED, with "flag" or without, with timestamp or without, the acquired values will be placed in points with the type among the ones listed below. In the table stitches, in the field "Address" choose the point type and specify its address.
AI - Analog Input
Scalar analog measurement used for transmission of analog quantities. Used to receive data sent through objects 30 and 32 and all their variations that use integer numbers of 16 or 32 whole bits. (Excluded variation 5 - floating point).
BI - Binary Input
Simple binario entry point, value 0 or 1. Used to receive data sent through objects 1 and 2 and all their variations.
DBI - Double Binary Input
Double binario entry point, value between 0 and 3. Used to receive data sent through objects 3 and 4 and all their variations.
RAO - Read Analog Output
Point for reading 16-bit analog output content or 32-bit. Used for the reception of objects of types 40 and 41.
CRO - Control Relay Output
Digital exit point used for key and circuit breaker control. The Object DNP 12 is used, including the Control Code (8 bits) for indication of command type and execution details. When chosen appears field for the information of this code. Clicking on the right arrow ( ) is shown window with the attributes selected for the current value. If the user changes the selected attributes and presses the return arrow ( ), a new value associated with the selected attributes will be generated.
Figure 8 - Command Attribute
The possible values for ControlCode are shown in the table below with their associated actions:
Control Code | Share |
1 | Pulse ON output |
2 | Pulse OFF output |
3 | Latch ON Exit |
4 | Latch OFF Output |
65 | Pulse ON + Close output |
66 | Pulse OFF + Close output |
67 | Latch ON + Close Output |
68 | Latch OFF + Close Output |
129 | Pulse ON + Trip Output |
130 | Pulse OFF + Trip output |
131 | Latch ON + Trip Output |
132 | Latch OFF + Trip Output |
+ 16 | Queue + Trip |
+ 32 | Clear + Trip |
In The DNP30 Standard it is reported that only these combinations are InterOperative:
funcCode - In the commands you can also define the operation to be performed on the command according to the following table:
Function code | Share |
3 | Selects |
4 | Opera |
5 | Operates direct (no selection) |
6 | Operates direct (without ack) |
34 | Select and Opera |
Note: If no code is chosen, code 5 is considered.
CT - Counter
Binary counter of 16 or 32bits, received from the IED through objects 20 and all its variations. This number has the last state of a count, the instant it is read.
FRZ - Frozen Counter
Binary counter of 16 or 32 bits, received from iIED through object 21 and its variations, which contains information from a counter the last time it was "frozen". Or frozen value shows the counter value (of the same index) when the last counter freeze operation was performed on the slave IED.
AO - Analog Output Status or Block (16bits)
Analog output for a 16-bit DA converter, using objects 40 (actual value to be applied to the converter) or 41 (required value to be reached on the analog output) in its 2 (16-bit) variations.
AOL - Analog Output long (32-bit)
Analog output for a 32-bit DA converter, using objects 40 (actual value to be applied to the converter) or 41 (required value to be reached on the analog output) in its variations 1 (32 bits).
AIF - Analog Input Floating (32-bit)
Analog measurement used for transmission of analog quantities. Used to receive data sent through objects 30-5 and 32 variations 5 and 7 and object 100 and its variations. They are floating-point numbers of 32 or 64 bits, IEEE-754 format.
CRS - Signalling Control Relay
It is a type defined for Action.NET for setting the match between the output tag and the input tag that flags, as a result of the command. When you choose the CRS type, in the Address column definition, a different menu appears with the fields for defining the required parameters.
The following figure shows the configuration in the POINTS table. The signaling comes in the A2.DJ.DJ tag that is of type DBI. The two lines in yellow show the definition of the command cues with the same address (0009) and control code (128 - Open and 64 - Close).
These two lines are used in the protocol module load to create a static list with all existing matches in the node. Their information don't create new points in real time.
Nothing else is required for configuration. With this list the module will call the transaction creation and verification methods automatically.
Command signaling is only used for CRO digital commands and BI and DBI digital signaling.
IIN - Internal Indications
In this implementation you can have access to internal indications statuses or command response status defining IIN-type tags, so that they receive this information from the communication module.
These internal indication statuses of iEDs are reported through flags on objects transmitted in communication.
To receive the IIN must be set an analog int tag, with type IIN and address 65000. This tag will receive the record with the bits with the meanings presented in the following table.
To receive the status of newly sent commands, you must set a tag with analog int with type IIN and address 65001.
IIN: 16 bits sent in any slave response with control data-End: 65000
BIT | Origin | Description | Content |
0 | IIN | Broadcast | Returns 1 when slave receives a broadcast message (address = FFFF) |
1 | IIN | Class 1 | Returns 1 if slave has class 1 events |
2 | IIN | Class 2 | Returns 1 if slave has class 2 events |
3 | IIN | Class 3 | Returns 1 if slave has class 3 events |
4 | IIN | Clock timing | Returns 1 if slave asks for clock synchronization |
5 | IIN | On-site departures | Returns 1 if some or all outputs are in place |
6 | IIN | Problem | Returns 1 if slave with problem |
7 | IIN | Restart | Returns 1 if slave restarted (restart) |
8 | IIN | Function not implemented | Returns 1 if function sent by master is not implemented in slave |
9 | IIN | Unknown object | Returns 1 if slave has no particular object or class does not have this object |
10 | IIN | Invalid data | Returns 1 if invalid parameter has in qualifier or address range is invalid |
11 | IIN | Overflow | Returns 1 if slave buffer had overflow |
12 | IIN | Busy | Returns 1 if request has been understood but is already running |
13 | IIN | Corrupted data | Returns 1 if parameterization data is corrupted |
14 | IIN | Reserved | Always 0 |
15 | IIN | Reserved | Always 0 |
Status field in Commands: A byte sent as a command response. Address 65001
Value in byte | Origin | Description | Interpretation |
0 | Status | Command accepted | after correct command |
1 | Status | Command not accepted | time out between select and operate time. |
2 | Status | Lack select | made an operate without prior select |
3 | Status | Format error | Command has format error |
4 | Status | Control not supported | operation is not supported |
5 | Status | Full queue | slave request queue is full or dot is already active |
6 | Status | Hardware error | a device hardware error occurred while trying to run the command |
7 to 127 | Not used |
These Command Response values can be set in dictionaries and shown in event lists and/or alarms. Thus, for example, below is shown a dictionary associated with the variable that contains the resulting status of a command and following the definition of this variable in a template and its declaration at the points of the Device table.
Figure 9 - Dictionary associated with command attribute
Figure 10 - Variable Tag That Receives the Result of a Command
Figure 11 - Declaration of the point receiving the result of a DNP3 command
Note: For an event to occur always in this tag, the communication module always puts the value 99 in the tag before starting sending a command. After, you tag the result obtained in the response to the command.
Number of Keep Alive failures - End 65002
When using RequestLinkStatus to check the integrity of the communication, the number of response failures is counted in these requests, this counter, zeroed out at each driver restart, is kept in the address tag IIN:65002
Node communication status (Tcp-Ip Channel)
The communication status of the node (tcp-Ip) is available in a tag that is registered as IIN:65003. The content of this tag should be interpreted as:
Point address
The field Address to be filled in the point registration is what the standard calls "Index". This is a 16-bit number that is the index [0 to n-1] indicative of each of the points of the same type mapped within the FDI.
Below, a table of points filled with different point types is presented by way of example. The digital output (CRO) points, as mentioned above, in addition to the address have the control code.
129 = Pulse ON + TRIP
Figure 12 - Example of the Points table with different types of points
To implement discrete digital entry points, simply use the "Bit" attribute of a tag for each of the points that define the value of the discrete digital input. So, for example, a disconnector that has two contacts to set its state:
Tag | ADDRESS | Complement |
SEL_LINHA_01.SC89_1 | 8 | Open disconnector |
SEL_LINHA_01.SC89_1 | 9 | Closed Disconnector |
It is defined as an AnalogInt tag and in the node table if you use the Bit attribute of this 16-bit variable (AnalogInt) to address the colon, as in the table below:
The values assumed by the SEL_LINHA_01.SC89_1 will be:
Tag | Bit 0 | Bit 1 | VALUE | MEANING |
SEL_LINHA_01.SC89_1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | INDEFINITE |
SEL_LINHA_01.SC89_1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | OPEN |
SEL_LINHA_01.SC89_1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | CLOSED |
SEL_LINHA_01.SC89_1 | 1 | 1 | 3 | ERROR |
Converting Dnp flags into OPC Quality
The error codes or flags used by DNP 3 when they arrive at Action.NET are converted to OPC standard codes. The following table shows how this conversion is done.
Access Type
Being a communication module in client mode there is a need for some characteristics suitable for parameterization of the field Access Type of the table Points:
For points with types that are read:
The Access Type should be set with:
ReadOnStartup= On;
ReadPooling= Always;
ReadPoolongRate: 500 mili
WriteEvent= Changed;
AccepUnsolictited = On;
For points with types that are of CRO, AO, and AOL commands
The Access Type should be set with:
ReadPooling = Never;
WriteEnable = On
WriteEvent= Changed;
The execution state of the driver can be observed through the diagnostic tools, which are:
Tracking window
Property Watch
Module Information
A status value of 0 (zero) means that communication was a success. Negative values indicate an internal driver error and positive values mean that there are protocol errors.
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