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Each node is a server station. You can set up a single station for each channel.

Primary Station

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IP and Port Address - This field not used.

Common Address - Is the address of the server in the application layer.
w - Send ack after received w IFormat APDUs - Number of information messages sent spontaneously, after which the client should send an "acknowledgementacknowledgment" message with the sequence number of the last received message. Values between 1 and 32767.
k - Messages received to send state variable - Maximum number of messages sent by the server still do not "acknowledgedsacknowledges" After this number of messages sent without the server receiving the "acknowledgment", it stop stops sending messages, waiting for the "ack". It is recommended that w be a maximum of two-thirds of the value of k. Values between 1 and 32767.
Clock Adjust  It can be chosen "True", to adjust the clock of this server computer or "false" to make no adjustmentnot adjust. Tuning will be done by changing the machine time to what came as a response to a timing send a message. To be effective it is necessary that the slave IED must respond with a time that comes for example from a GPS.
Tag for Comm status - In this field, the name of an existing tag in the project can be indicated to receive an indication of success/failure in communication, from a functional point of view. The module waits for a maximum of Timeout milliseconds (defined in Protocol Options, as T2 above) for receiving a customer's order. In case of failure, the value of this tag will be placed at ZERO. In the event of success, the value will be placed in UM.

Allowed Client Ips - You can leave this field empty if there are no restrictions on the clients that may connect on this channel. If, however, you want to specify allowed IP addresses for TcpIp clients that will connect, you must fill in these addresses, separated by slashes ('/'). Connections from other IP addresses will not be accepted.


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