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Nodes Configuration

Each node defines the configuration of a client device or server. You can configure a single client node, a single node server, or one each way on the same channel.

The two nodes on the same channel will be fully independent but will use the same TCP-IP connection.

Nodes clients can alternately communicate with up to two redundant server stations, and have TCP the same data model. A primary station and a backup station. Nodes servers only accept communication with a client.

The following figure shows the list of parameters for the configuration of the node. In the description of the fields below, those that have the word Client, or Server, right after the field name, are options only used in this indicated mode.

Primary Station

  • IP Address - IP address of the ICCP server equipment.

  • Port - (client node) Number of the port used in the Tcp Ip connection on which the server with which you will communicate will be in listening, in this communication. You can use any number above zero, but the number 102 is defined as standard by the IEC standard.

  • Listening Port - (Server Node) Port number, of the TcpIp address that will be used by server mode to wait (listen) for a connection coming from the client. The default number for this protocol is 102. Other numbers can be used, and above all different numbers should be used in the case of multiple server channels in the same project.

  • Mode - The mode of action of this node: Client or Server.

  • Bilateral Table Name - must be filled with an identifier text of the bilateral table. The same is to be indicated on the client for this association. If left empty, no two-sided table is created. Defined with the same name on client and server

  • Domain - This is the name of the specific domain to use for the points of this data model. This name should appear at the address of each point in the POINTS table. Defined with the same name on client and server

  • AP Title and AE Qualifier - Typically, AP Title and AE Qualifier are important for connecting clients to the server. These are the LOCAL identifiers, in this mode Client or Server. They are used by default by the protocol stack to associate clients with servers. They are also used to associate bilateral tables with connected clients, which is important for implementing access control accordingly. The AP title is an ITU object identifier (OID). It consists of a sequence of numbers separated by dots. The AE qualifier is a single integer value.

  • Analog Reading polling rate (ms) - (Customer) Periodicity in milliseconds in which read requests from analog variables (REAL and DISCRETE) must be made. Used for both the ICC domain and the VCC variables. If ZERO is no reading of analog variables by sampling will be made.

  • State Reading polling rate (ms) - (Customer) Periodicity in milliseconds in which requests to read digital variables (STATE and STATE SUPPLEMENTAL) must be made. Used for both the ICC domain and the VCC variables. If zero is not read digital variables by sampling.


When these sampling rates are nonzero, the sampling variable data acquisition mechanism is activated. Up to 4 lists of variables to be used in real-time read requests are created: Two Digital lists (one with VCC variables and one for the domain) and two for analog ones, for the VCC and domain. Not included in these lists are the variables that are already defined as belonging to data sets, if timers for sampling data sets are also not ZEROS.

  • Data Set T1 polling rate (ms) - (Customer) Periodicity in milliseconds in which data sets read requests must be made, which are defined in the Points table, with the acronym of this time T1. Used for both the ICC domain and the VCC variables. This time will also be used for sampling data sets, for which there is no timer setting in the POINTS table. If zero is no date set reading by sampling. with this setting, it will be done.

  • Data Set T2 polling rate (ms) - (Customer) Periodicity in milliseconds in which data sets read requests must be made, which are defined in the Points table, with the acronym of this time T2. Used for both the ICC domain and the VCC variables. If zero is no date set reading by sampling. with this setting, it will be done.

  • Data Set T3 polling rate (ms) - (Customer) Periodicity in milliseconds in which data sets read requests must be made, which are defined in the Points table, with the acronym of this time T3. Used for both the ICC domain and the VCC variables. If zero is no date set reading by sampling. with this setting, it will be done.


When data set sampling rates are nonzero, the data set data acquisition mechanism is activated by cyclic sampling. If dynamic data sets are defined (in the POINTS table), these data sets will be created after the Server Model load and will be sampled with the remaining ones. If variable sampling rates are also defined, both engines are enabled, but only those that are not in the data sets are in the variable lists. Respected the protocol option defined in Channel Configuration.

  • DS Transfer Sets - (Customer) In this field, the option Enabled when you want the Data Sets Transfer sets engine to be eactivation, also known as spontaneous data reports. With this selection, right after the client is connected to the server, this mechanism will be activated for each DS Transfer Set that is set correctly on the client. The allocation of one of these server objects will be requested, and its configuration and activation will be sent, for the start of data acquisition If the objective data sets of the DS Transfer Sets are dynamic (in the POINTS table), these data sets will be created, before the activation of the DS Transfer Set.


Data sets that are the target of the activated DS Transfer Sets will not be included in the sampling mechanism described above. The three mechanisms, variable sampling and data sets with the reports, but in different data sets and variables, can coexist.

  • A number of DSTS Available. (Server) - It is the maximum data set transfer set (DSTS) number that the server must make available for client requests. Then is the number of reports that will be activated simultaneously by the customer.

  • Tag for comm status - In this field, the name of an existing tag in the project can be indicated to receive an indication of success/failure in communication, from a functional point of view. The module waits for a maximum of Timeout milliseconds (defined below) to confirm the functional activity of the channel by the existence of any message exchanges. In the event of failure, the module puts the value of this tag at ZERO. In the event of success puts the value in UM.

  • Remote AP Title - This is the AP-title that will be set by the server to AP-title LOCAL. In setting the server node is the AP-Title that will be set by the client to LOCAL. On the server, this AP-Title is used in creating the BLT for association with this client.

Backup Station

The parameters are the same for the secondary station if any.
Basically, the different fields will be the IP address and redundant server port.
Typically the other options parameters must be the same so that the backup station behavior is the same as the primary station.


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